Canadian Mid-Cap Increases 2-Year Free Cash Flow by $500,000 Per Well

PrePad’s simulation software enabled Artis to estimate costs and cycle times with extraordinary speed and flexibility.

Understanding Trade-offs

Using PrePad’s simulation software, Artis was able to determine the trade-off between production, cost, and cycle time for several major design variables. These design variables studied included wells per pad, lateral length, stage spacing, sand loading, and fluid loading. The trade-offs were evaluated using the economic measure of 2-Year Before Tax Cashflow.

How PrePad Helped

To optimize Artis’s most important business metrics, PrePad simulated the end-to-end drilling and completions process for thousands of unique well designs. This simulation enabled Artis to quickly estimate costs and cycle times with extreme accuracy, which in turn allowed Artis to discover ways to increase 2-year free cash flow by $500,000 per well.

Case Study Metrics
Additional 2-Year Free Cash Flow
PrePad Module(s) Leveraged

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PrePad enables oil and gas operators to discover the optimal trade-off between production, cost, cycle time, emissions, and risk by simulating the end-to-end well drilling and completions process for hundreds of unique designs in minutes.